Ardent Soul Photography
Our Story
ardent / ‘ar dnt / having, expressive of, or characterised by intense feeling; passionate, fervent.
soul / soƱl / the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part.
Why Ardent Soul?
I arrived at work early one morning, the scent of last nights rain still fresh in the air. I commented to one of my colleagues on the incredible smell of the gum nuts, crushed underfoot by pedestrians, on the footpath out the front. She looked at me with an amused yet perplexed expression and stated that she didn't know anyone else who would notice tiny details like that. Surprised, I realised that I have always been this way, often pointing out sights, smells, colours or sounds that others would walk on by without a second thought.
I have since discovered that I am not alone, that there are many people like me; creatives, dreamers, thinkers and feelers, souls who see the world through a different lens. Even as I write this, I feel my heart begin to beat faster in my chest, and I believe that this is who I was born to be. This is the reason I chose, "Ardent Soul Photography" as the name for my business.
I hope that through my art, you too would discover the sense of wonder I feel each time I click my shutter closed. Regardless of whether you are someone who notices or someone who passes by, when you look at my photographs, may you be inspired to connect to that innate longing in all of us for beauty, joy and purpose.
Behind the camera
About the Artist
Originally from Central West NSW, Kali has spent the past 15 years exploring Australia and the world. From rusty old shearing sheds out west to the Great Pyramid of Giza, you can be sure to find Kali there, camera in hand, just waiting for that perfect light.